Monday, January 12, 2015

Johnpire Awards 2014

Oh yes my friends 2014 is in the book and as tradition dictates it is time to hand out the ole year end awards. But first let’s have a little sum up of the year 2014 started very strong with the Oscar winners being extremely strong movies which may (or may not) have held on to their places in the top 10 from as far back as January. The two big box office winners of the year had to be Chris Pratt and Marvel. Though now I think about it, Jennifer Lawerence did pretty well for herself too (The Fappening? What’s that?). Just did a quick count there and of the 28 movies I saw this year (hey I’m doing a masters I did well to see that many), 16 were sequels, prequels or reboots. Yikes! Anyway before I get to 2014 let’s just have a quick word on 2015 which can be summed up with two titles Avengers and Star Wars! There’s lots more coming out but I strongly expect both these movies to come very close (if not surpassing) Avatar numbers in the box-office.

Okay let’s get to business. As always to be eligible for the 2014 awards it must be a movie that I have seen and has been released in cinemas in the Republic of Ireland between January 1st and December 31st 2014. If I didn’t see it or if it was released outside of the time frame, tough titties it ain’t eligible. As always we get the crap out of the way first.

The “Keanu Reeves” Award for Worst Actor/Actress
WINNER: The Entire Cast of Mrs. Brown’s Boys D’Movie
Expect more from this movie later (spoilers) but a quick note about the acting first. God it’s bad. I mean really bad! They get away with it on the show because that’s what 22 minutes where the total exposure time for the cast members is maybe 30 seconds to a minute tops. Just goes to show nepotism is still alive and well in the 21st century because that’s the only way the majority of these folks got jobs.

The “Spider-Man 3” Award for Worst Sequel/Prequel/Reboot
WINNER: Sharknado 2: The Second One
The sequel to last year’s Worst Movie winner returns to make it a brace. Can this series go for the hat-trick? I actually liked the first one there was a charm to its ridiculousness but this one was just one big cash grab with all the product placement and cameos all at the cost of actually being fun. I’ll still watch the third one.
(Dis)Honourable Mentions: Transformers: The Age of Extinction, 300: Rise of An Empire, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Worst Movie of 2014
WINNER: Mrs. Browns Boy’s D’Movie
I should have known better. I know. People warned me. Feck it I thought the show was funny, I still do. But Brendan O’Carroll please never make another Mrs. Brown movie. Between the horrible acting, ridiculous plot and flat out racism its just not worth it. Bad, bad ,bad.

Best Soundtrack
WINNER: Guardians of the Galaxy
The soundtrack which may be single handily responsible for the highest amount of cassette sales in two decades. Using the Tarantino formula of licensing songs from the 70’s and 80’s and inserting them into the movie paid off and helped make Guardians of the Galaxy so memorable. I mean as soon as you heard “hooked on a feeling” in that first trailer you were mentally conditioned to love this movie.
Best Musical Moment
WINNER: “Batman’s Song” in The Lego Movie
While “Everything Is Awesome” is the song everyone remembers from this movie (whether they chose to or not) the underlooked gem of this great movie has to be Will Arnett as Batman singing his dark batman song. Look it up on youtube if you can’t remember it. It’s hilariously brilliant.
Honourable Mentions: Mathew McCaughnehy’s chest beating and humming in The Wolf Of Wall Street, Any song from Guardians of The Galaxy

Funniest Moment
WINNER: Super-Quaalude Scene in The Wolf Of Wall Street
Man there are so many contenders for this but the sight of Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill paralytic in Wolf Of Wall Street had me laughing the hardest of anything else I’ve seen this year. Especially the flashback to how Leo actually got home from the golf club and telling Jonah Hill to get off the phone.
Honourable Mentions: Metaphors don’t go over Drax’s head in Guardians of the Galaxy,22 Jump Streets End-Credits, Air-bag scenes in Bad Neighbours, Spaceship! In The Lego Movie

Best Special Effects
WINNER: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
This was another hard one. Some good contenders but I’m going for DOTPOTA because of how good the ape army looked. Really good stuff. I’m enjoying this series and look forward to the next instalment. Also they were riding fucking horses and tanks!
Honourable Mentions: Interstellar, Guardians of the Galaxy, Godzilla, X-Men: Days of Future Past

Best Newcomer
WINNER: Tony Revolori as Zero in The Grand Budapest Hotel
This lad did a great job as the young bellboy to Ralph Fiennes’s cooler than cool concierge. Expect to hear more about this film later on.

Best Voice-Acting
WINNER: Will Arnett as Batman in The Lego Movie
This was a really hard one to decide this year which goes to show the point I will continue to make that this needs to be an Oscar category. I’m giving it to Gob because Batman was just hilarious in that movie and while Kevin Conroy will forever be the voice of Batman for me, I did thoroughly enjoy Arnett’s comedic take on the character. “If anyone has black or grey blocks I need them!”
Honourable Mentions: Chris Pratt, Morgan Freeman, Will Ferrel &, Liam Neeson in the Lego Movie, Andy Serkis in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Bradley Cooper in Guardians of the Galaxy

Best Hero
WINNER: Emmet in The Lego Movie
Okay I’ve mentioned the Lego Movie a few times so far so let’s go into a bit more depth at this stage. Now be honest raise your hand anyone that thought this would suck *raises hand*. It’s incredible that this movie turned out to be as good as it did, a large part was Lego utilizing as many weapons in their arsenal as possible with cameos from Lord of the Rings, DC comics, Star Wars characters. Not to mention a stellar voice cast. Oddest of all the movie actually became really touching in the third act when you figured out what was REALLY going on. A large part of the movies success was the hero’s journey of the central character Emmet voiced by Chris Pratt (what a year this guy had). At the start he’s just a cut and paste standard Lego character but through sheer accident he ends up involved in a plot between good and evil which he eventually resolves not through defeating the bad guy but reaching out to him and showing him the error of his ways (Zack Snyder’s Superman could learn a thing or two).  I am looking forward to the Lego sequels but I wonder if they’ll be as interesting now that the central character has been established as a master builder?

Best Villain(s)
WINNER: HYDRA in Captain America: The Winter Soldier
I was going to give it to The Winter Soldier himself but then I remembered how big a thing Hail HYDRA was during the start of the Summer. After you saw this movie it was everywhere! I love that it is now firmly entrenched in the Marvel cinematic universe with it being a huge presence in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (some would say that the HYDRA revelation saved that show) and with it looking like a big presence in Avengers 2: Age of Ultron.  HYDRA is something that Marvel has done 100% right since the first Captain America movie and quite rightly deserves the best villain(s) title. HAIL HYDRA, cut off one head and two more shall take it’s place!

The “Stan Lee” Award for Best Cameo
WINNER: The Original X-Men Cast in X-Men Days of Future Past
More specifically I mean Beast, Cyclops and Jean Grey showing up at the end of the movie signifying that Wolverines mission to change the future has been successful. AND more to the point by being successful X-Men: The Last Stand NEVER HAPPENED!!!!! That alone makes this movie worthwhile. It does kinda make the threat in X-Men: Apocalypse a bit null and void though. Oh well that’s the trouble with time travel.

The “Evil Dead 2” Award for Best Sequel, Prequel or Reboot
WINNER: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Man this was a tough one. As I mentioned earlier 16 sequels this year. Most were meh, but there were some gems in their (see honourable mentions). Now me personally, I thought the first Captain America movie was great and I have no problem with Chris Evans as Steve Rogers. I know several people disagree on both counts. That being said even these people were universally praising how good this movie was. This movie stands out in the so-called “Phase 2” of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe (MCU). It did this by the very successful of two new characters (Flacon and The Winter Soldier), genuinely changing the MCU (HYDRA now a major presence, SHIELD dismantled, Nick Fury in hiding), excellent references to the previous installment (Peggy has Alzheimers, Arnim Zola) and surprising revelations (HYRDA were responsible for the death of Howard Stark, Stephen Strange!). The script was well written for a comic book movie and every character got their fair share of screen time. With the subtitle for the next Captain America movie already known to be “Civil War” this felt like the perfect stepping stone towards that concept. Marvel had a stellar year with both this and Guardians of the Galaxy winning at the box-office and with the critics. It’ll be interesting to see how they do with Ant-Man (Avengers 2 is a guaranteed money maker).
Honourable Mentions: X-Men: Days of Future Past, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Godzilla, The Raid 2, 22 Jump Street

The “Morgan Freeman” Award for Best Supporting Actor/Actress
WINNER:  Jonah Hill as Donnie in The Wolf Of Wall Street
Who woulda thought the kid from Superbad would grab himself not one but two Oscar nominations. A perfect example of how a comedic actor can do it if they’re good enough (looking at you Mr. Carey). If everyone is really honest with themselves I think we can all agree that Jonah Hill’s character completely stole the show in Wolf Of Wall Street he’s definitely in all the scenes that stick out in my mind. Mr. Hill might have to wait for the third time of asking to get his Oscar but buddy have yourself a Johnpire.
Honourable Mentions: Jennifer Lawrence in American Hustle & X-Men: Days of Future Past

Best Actress
WINNER: Amy Adams in American Hustle
If I went back in time 11 months and told myself how little American Hustle would feature in this year’s Johnpires, past me would be genuinely surprised. While other films have jumped ahead in it in virtually every category Amy Adams excellent performance as Bonnie to Christian Bales Clyde managed to fight of all contenders for Best Actress. Pretty impressive as this was the first movie I saw in 2014.

Best Actor
WINNER: Jake Gyllenhall as Louis Bloom in Nightcrawler
This was a hard one. Lots of good performances this year. This performance by Jake Gyllenhall really stood out when I saw it and I was predicting an Oscar nomination, possibly a win. Through from what I’ve heard Michael Keaton may have that in the bank with Birdman now (see next year). Well don’t worry buddy I’m giving you the Johnpire for your excellent performance as an unethical, disturbing and motivated free lance cameraman. If you haven’t seen this I recommend you do as the performance is magnetic and while you should hate the guy and his warped pursuit of the American Dream you can’t take your eyes off him. Kudos.
Honourable mentions: Ralph Fiennes in The Grand Budapest Hotel and Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street.

Best Director
WINNER:  Wes Anderson for the Grand Budapest Hotel
I’ve loved Wes Anderson’s movies since I stumbled across The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou. There’s something so quirky about them you just gotta love. That’s all I’ll say for the moment

Top 10 Movies of 2014
10. Interstellar
9. The Raid 2
8. Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes
7. Guardians Of The Galaxy
6. X-Men: Days Of Future Past
5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
4. American Hustle
3. The Lego Movie
2. The Wolf Of Wall Street

Best Movie
WINNER: The Grand Budapest Hotel
Right where was I. Ah yes. Wes Anderson movies are awesome and this may be my new favourite. The attention to detail here is great down to using three different aspect ratios throughout the movie to reflect the time period (apparently the film arrived at cinemas with a note recommending the correct aspect ratio and warning that it would change throughout). The characters are all great and if you would indulge me just have a look at the cast on IMDb.  Stellar. I haven’t even mentioned the story yet which sees a narration of a narration of a narration (there might be one less narration there, trying to remember) about the story of Monsieur Gustav the charming gigolo to the elderly Consierge of the title hotel and how he comes into a large inheritance and the shenanigans that follow. Seriously go check this film out already if you haven’t.

Right. That wraps us up. Thanks very much if you made it this far. See y’all next year.