Saturday, January 8, 2011

Johnpire Awards 2010

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen it’s that time of the year again
when I dissect pop culture over the last 365 and a quarter days and reward the
great and punish the shite. There’s been a few format changes this year which
needn’t bother ye too much. Anyway as a great man said “enough about me, whatta
ya say, let’s boogie”.

2010 was a bit of a strange year for the moving picture. The
guaranteed hits like Iron Man 2 didn’t seem to cut mustard while unexpected
gems like Kick-Ass, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and The Social Network turned
out to be cinematic gold. Possibly the biggest shock of the year came from a
certain gentleman I have blasted in the past for being well.... shit. Mr.
Nicholas Cage gave two great performances this year (might be 3 I didn’t see
the Sorcerers Apprentice) and as such I have decided to reward him by renaming
the Nicholas Cage Award for Worst Actor to the Ben Affleck Award for Worst
Actor. Well done Nick, but, I’ll be keeping my eye on you and one more
performance like Knowing and you go right back to being a shit actor. Anyway
lets get to it and we might as well start at the bottom.

Ben Affleck Award for Worst Actor
WINNER: Gerrard Butler (Gamer)
On paper this film could have been so good but in execution
it just stank thanks in no small part to the awful acting skills of Gerrard
Butler who I fear is a bit of a one hit wonder (mind you, he was pretty good in
Law Abiding Citizen). Yeah anyone whos seen this knows what I mean and if you
haven’t seen Gamer, take my advice, don’t.

Spider-Man 3 Award for Worst Film
Words cannot express how truly awful this film was. I
watched it on Sky Player and I’m glad I did cause if I had paid to see this I
probably would have taken a long walk off a short pier. I hope everyone
involved in this film takes a good hard look at themselves before making
another movie.

Avatar Award for Best Special Effects
WINNER: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
If you haven’t seen this film, and I know that a lot of you
haven’t! (I’ll deal with ye later). I highly recommend that you go out and
rent, or even better buy, this film is on sale NOW! SPOILER ALERT: You will be
seeing that winner line quite a lot in this so I’ll keep this brief. The
special effects in this film are AWESOME! The first fight alone is amazing but
probably the best example of the special effects comes in fight number 3
against Brandon Routh playing a way more badasss kind of Superman than the one
he played in Superman Returns
Runner Up: Inception

Best Soundtrack
Winner: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
 A great mix of original songs courtesy of Mr. Beck in the guise of Sex Bob-Omb the neo punk
band of the film. The soundtrack also includes my all time favourite Stones
song “Under My Thumb”, The song which inspired the name of the character “Scott
Pilgrim” from Plumtree but the standout track has to be “Black Sheep” from
Metric. Oh and there’s a great 8 bit Universal intro at the start of the movie
that’s AWESOME!
Runner Up:         Crazy Heart
                             Get Him To The Greek

Best Opening Credits
WINNER: Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Anyone else sensing a pattern here? The opening credits to
this film are great cause they advance the story by introducing us to Scott,
Sex Bob-Omb, Youn Neil and Knvies Chau while Sex Bob-Omb belt out the thumping
“We Are Sex Bob-Omb” which sets the scene perfectly for the madness which is to
ensue. Great stuff.

Best Musical Moment
WINNER: Clash At Demonhead performing “Black Sheep” in (guess what) Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
I’ll make this simple, just watch it, it’s cool.
Runner Up:         Tommy Sweet (Colin Farrell) performing Crazy Heart at the end of Crazy Heart

Funniest Moment
WINNER: Robert Downey Jr. Punching the kid in Due Date
I thought this film was hilarious, not a lot of people seemed to agree with that but I think everyone agreed this was hilarious. Just cause it came completely out of nowhere and had you in hysterics. Great work RDJ. Special shout out to Zack Gylfianakos for his work in this film which showed he just has to stand to be funny.
Runner Up:  Furry Walls Scene in Get Him To The Greek
Everything Chris Evans did in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Best Quote
WINNER: Nicolas Cage as Big Daddy in Kick-Ass
The quote is quite simple it goes like this “Take. Cover. Child!!! Switch. To. Kryptonite!!! Go. To. Robin. REVENGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” but it’s the way Cage deliver it which is kinda
like his DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Quote from Face- Off. I loved it,
here’s a clip of it,
actually watching that again reminds me what a great scene that was which is
why I think it wil also win...
Runner Up          “You Cocky Cock!, I’ll make you pay for your crimes
against humanity", Scott Pilgrim
“He punched the highlights out of her hair. HE PUNCHED THE HIGHLIGHTS OUT OF HER HAIR!!”, Young Neil

Mustafa Award for Saddest Moment
First: Death of Big Daddy in Kick-Ass
Say what you will about Nicholas Cage but he does pain very very well. You saw the clip above it was excellent. Chloe Moretz deserves a lot of credit (and shall receive it...) for her
excellent work as Hit Girl. Also the score here really works. Bravo to all concerned, nearly made my cry but our second winner did. It’s....
Second: Toy Story 3 Last 30 Minutes
I almost nominated the whole film but the last 30 minutes of this wonderful film just grab your heart strings and don’t let go. Because it’s the last 30 minutes I won’t go into too much detail
for those of you who haven’t seen this film (and you really should have by now,
you’ll know why soon enough....). All I’ll say is if this last half hour doesn’t provoke an emotional response from you (Richard I’m looking at you) you’re a soulless monster.

Best Villain
WINNER: Whiplash in Iron Man 2 (Played by Mickey Rourke)
Iron Man 2 disappointed this year exept in one way, Mickey Rourke did a fantastic job as D-list villain Whiplash turning him into a credible threat for Iron Man and War Machine. This just goes
to show how great a renaissance Rourkes career is having. Now, if they’d just
hurry up and get Sin City 2 in the can we’d be in business.
Runner Up:         Lucas Lee in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Played by Brandon Routh)

Best Cameo(s)
WINNER: Thomas Jane and Clifton Collins Jr. as The Vegan Police
in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
It came out of nowhere, It made little to no sense, It was a total Deus Ex Machina BUT!!!! I LOVED IT. ‘Nuff Said.
Runner Up: Bruce Willis in The Expendables

Evil Dead 2 Award for Best Sequel/Prequel/Requel
WINNER: Toy Story 3
To be fair there was no competition here. Iron Man 2 was average, Let Me In was great but Toy Story 3 was in a league of its own. It truely is the best 3rd part of a trilogy ever and that really is saying a lot about a series which has defied the sacred law of movies which states that “Thy Sequels shall never be as good as thy originals”. Yet in  the Toy Story trilogy, each sequel has been better than the film that proceeded it.... and Toy Story 1 was perfect!!!!????? So what does that make Toy Story 3? The answer is quite simply Infallible. It is so far beyond perfect it cannot be touched. Well done Pixar you did it again but I fear the only way from here is down.
Runner Up: Let Me In

Best Voice Actor
WINNER: Michael Keaton as Ken in Toy Story 3
The (other) original Batman does a great job in Toy Story 3 as Ken (He’s not a girls toy! ;-)). The seemingly nice, metrosexual, member of the sunnyside nursery school toys and second in command to Lotso Bear (another potential candidate). It’s a damn shame Timoty Dalton as Mr. Pricklepants didn’t have more time or he woulda won this. Ah well.

Best Newcomer:
WINNER: Chloe Moretz for Kick-Ass and Let Me In
She’s only 13 years old but this girl has given two of the strongest performances of any actress this year as the violently brilliant Hit-Girl in Kick-Ass and as the violently tragic Abby in Let Me In. This girl is off to a great start to her acting career, hopefully she will not go the way of other child stars and fade away to obscurity.
Runners Up: Ellen Wong as Knives Chau in Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Kieran Culkin as Wallace Welles in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
The principal cast of Cemetery Junction.

Morgan Freeman Award for Best Supporting Actor/Actress
WINNER: Nicholas Cage as Big Daddy in Kick-Ass
God the indie comic movies really are dominating this year aren’t they. What more can I say about Cage that I haven’t said already. He has had a Travolta circa 94 kinda year. Big Daddy was a character you could tell Cage was having fun with what with the Adam Westesque vocal work and the slightly naiveness of the characters alter ego (that being said once he let loose as Big Daddy in the Paper Mill he was truely badass). Well done Mr. Cage, keep up the good work.
Runners Up: Willem Dafoe (Daybreakers)
Joseph Gordan-Levitt (Inception)    can you believe this is the first mention of Inception?
John Malkovich (RED)
Andrew Garfield (The Social Network)

Best Actress
Winner: Chloe Moretz (Kick-Ass and Let Me In)
I don’t know what more to say than what I said in her win for Best Newcomer so I’ll just reiterate, she’s only 13!!! Other actresses get it together.
Runners Up: Ellen Page (Inception)

Best Actor
WINNER: Jeff Bridges as “Bad” Blake in Crazy Heart
Full disclosure. I’m breaking my
own rules by including The Dude in this. It is the 8th of January
2011 right now and I’ve jsut finished watching Crazy Heart on Sky plus. By my
own rules 1st of January 2010 to 31st of December 2010 are the dates
for eligibility for the Johnpires. However as this film was released in 2010
and the awards weren’t up I’m using that as justification. Normally I don’t agree
with the Oscars, that’s why I do my own awards. In my opinion the Oscars seems
to only apply for films released in the US between December and January and
ignores 80% of the rest of the year. However this one time I agree 100% with
the Academy. Jeff Bridges is PHENOMENAL in this film. We all loved him as The
Dude but I think I’m starting to love him more as Bad Blake. The broken down
Country singer trying to claw back one last run in the limelight. You know its
funny that last year the winner was Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler because the similarities
between Randy and Bad are striking. I think I’ve finally found my favourite
type of film. The faux biopic story of redemption and hardships overcome. Oh,
by the way Leonardo DiCaprio was the original winner for Inception and Shutter
Island. Better luck next year Leo, but True Grit with Bad Blake is also out in

Runners Up:       Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception/Shutter Island
Nicholas Cage in Bad Lieutenant 
Jessie Eisenburg in The Social Network 

Best Director 
WINNER: Christopher Nolan for Inception 
I know I’ve had a hard on for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World for most of this awards show, but, it’s time to give the devil his due so Christopher Nolan here’s to you. Nolan earns his second Johnpire Directorial award (cookie for any first timer who guesses what his first was for) easily with this masterfully complicated slice of Science Fiction brilliance. I happen to be watching it as I type and gotta say Nolan is commanding the camera and actors like a Field Marshal. Looking forward to The
Dark Knight Rises, Chris.

Runners Up:       Scott Cooper for Crazy Heart
Edgar Wright for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Matthew Vaughan for Kick-Ass 
Martin Scorscese for Shutter Island 
David Fincher for The Social Network 

And now Ladies and Gentlemen the
MAIN EVENT it’s time for the

10. Cemetery Junction 
9. Due Date 
8. Let Me In 
7. The Social Network 
6. Shutter Island 
5. Kick-Ass 
4. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World 
3. Inception 
2. Crazy Heart 

AND NOW!!!! 

Best Film of 2010 
WINNER: Toy Story 3 
Yes people the best film of 2010 was a children’s film. But it was also oh so much more than that. It was the conclusion of a journey which started 15 years ago. I don’t think anyone imagined Toy Story 3 would be as good as it was. Hell it breaks every rule of cinema, there has never been a third part of a trilogy that has surpassed its predecessors before this one and when you consider Toy Story 1 and 2 that is a bold statement but nevertheless it is a true one. Toy Story 3 also takes us through the emotional ringer and I think anyone that has seen the film must have felt some pangs of guilt over how they treated there toys when they were younger. Pixar have never let us down but to be honest with you I worry for them, cause how in god’s name can they top this?

2010 will probably best be remembered that Lost ended. Whatever your opinions on the finale, no one can argue that this was a monster of a tv show and will most likely not fade from anyones memories fast. However 2010 was the year that we said goodbye to another classic show, 24, which finished the day after Lost in the states. Its going to be really hard to face into 2011 without a show with a main character called Jack but there are some bright stars on the horizon. Smallville has been
phenomenal this year, Dexter as always is fantastic, The Walking Dead impressed with its debut mini-series and True Blood will no doubt come back as good as ever. If all else fails there’s always Top Gear. I’m looking forward to Episodes starring Matt LeBlanc and the Gervais/Merchant comedy series Life’s Too Short in 2011.

Best Actor 
WINNER:  Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert in Lost 
Say what you will about the Lost finale but the standout Lost episode in Season 6 was the Richard centric Ab Aeterno. Carbonell has been great as Richard since he first appeared in Season 3 but had been an absolute mystery. This episode allowed us to finally learn all Richards secrets and it also allowed Carbonell the opportunity to put on a masterclass in acting. I really hope he’s got something good in the pipeline cause it would be a shame to not see an actor of this calibar on a regular basis. PS: how cool was it when Richard got his first grey hair in The End?
Runners Up:       Michael C. Hall as Dexter Morgan in Dexter
Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer in 24 
Henry Ian Cussick as Desmond Hume in Lost 
Michael Emmerson as Ben Linus in Lost 

Best Actress 
WINNER: Stana Katic as Kate Beckett in Castle 
What the fuck is Castle I hear you asking, well shame on you! Castle is a great detective show from the states of which the always awesome Nathan Fillion is one lead (Castle) and the other is Stana Katic as his muse Detective Kate Beckett. Katic is a great actress that plays the part of an emotionally injured but strong willed detective like she was born to play the role. The series is on alibi for Sky viewers and has recently (re)started on RTÉ at some ridiculously late time. I urge you to check it out.
Runner Up: Erica Durance as Lois Lane in Smallville (next year you’ll get it Erica, next year) 

Best New Series 
WINNER: The Walking Dead 
This one really is a no contest. The Walking Dead despite series 1 only being a 6 episode mini-series is so unbelievably awesome that no other new show even comes to mind for a runner up spot. The plot in case you don’t know (quite likely as no terrestrial channels over here have picked this up yet) sees a small town Sherriff surviving the immediate aftermath of a Zombie apocalypse thanks to being in a coma. When he awakens he is understandably a little confused and attempts to meet up with any other survivors he can find. Along the way encountering Zombies, enemy surviving humans and his douchebag “best friend”. That’s all I’ll say but seriously guys this is one to watch. The second series (full 22 episodes) was green lighted after the pilot! That’s unheard of.
Runner Up (Just thought of one): Spartacus: Blood and Sand 

Best DVD Box-Set 
WINNER: Dexter (Any Series!!!) 
With Lost and 24 gone I feel safe in saying that Dexter is perhaps the consistently best thing on TV right now. The Box sets are well worth investing in for the quality of well... everything. The camera work is superb, the acting is top notch, the pacing is perfect and the plots are intricate and well drawn out. There is no possible way you can go wrong in purchasing any series but I recommend starting at the beginning and avoiding spoilers on the internet (ESPECIALLY FOR SEASON 4!!!!!). Fine work, bring on season 5! 

Special One Time Award For Top 3 Moments of Lost “The End” 
3. Richard Alperts Grey hair 
There were several ways they could
have shown that the removal of the “cork” in the island had negated all of
Locke/Man In Black and Jack/Jacobs power, but the most effective was having the
immortal Richard Alpert discover he had his first grey hair. This led to a
great acting display from Nest Carbonell. Never has a man been so happy to have
a grey hair. 

2.  Jacks Death 
Oh spoiler alert if you’re one of the 100 people in the planet that didn’t see it. Jack dying on the spot where he woke up after the crash in the pilot episode was a great touch and was made even better by having him see the plane take off (symbolising his sacrifice had been worth it) and by having Vincent the dog, who woke him in the pilot episode die next to him (bringing things full circles as all good ending should, remember I said that.....). 
1.  Sawyer and Julliet “Finding Eachother” in the Flash Sideways Universe 
Well I’ll call it that for the 100 people mentioned above. Anyway, as Lostheads know most people when they “found someone” in the flash sideways universe were hesitant and backed away from the
other person in confusion and sometimes fear. This however was not the case with Julliet and Sawyer who literally couldn’t keep there hands off eachother as the memories of there *spoiler alert* past lives hit them like lightning bolts. This was a real heartwarming scene and truely was Lost at its finest.

Best Episode 
WINNER: Smallville, Episode 200, Homecoming 
Lets just consider this for a
moment. In a year with such great season finales as 24’s & Lost’s, The
magnificent pilot episode of The Walking Dead, Every single episode of Dexter,
Ab Aetern; a Lost episode which is second only to Season 4’s perfect “The
Constant”. The winner of my award for Best Episode goes to a Smallville
episode? How can that be? Well let me tell you why. Homecoming was the 200th
episode of Smallville and on paper it reads like Clark Kents high school
reunion. Look at a preview for the episode and thats what you’ll see. However,
what you got was oh so much more. What you got was Smallville at its season 1 finest.
You had great emotion with the Lois/Clark thing, you had a flashback to the
also magnificent 100th episode. You had Tom Welling actually doing a
good job of acting. You had a brief glimpse of a grown up Clark Kent (oh and
some dude called Superman). You had a great bad guy turned good in the always
awesome James Marsters playing Brainiac. But more importantly than any of that
you finally, FINALLY got a confirmed levitation. This time there was no
brainwashing, no min swapping, none of it. Clark Kent actually floated off the
ground in Smallville under his own power. It only took 200 episodes but damnit
it was worth it. On a side note this is the final series and I can tell you
from watching it through the wonder of modern technology if the quality continues
as it has then expect to see a Smallville episode in this category next year.

Runners Up:       Ab Aeterno, Lost
The End, Lost 
Day 8; 15:00-16:00, 24
Days Gone Bye (Pilot), The Walking Dead
Murder On The Orient Express, Agatha Christies Poirot (one shot) 
200/201, South Park (technically 2 episodes but its a 2 parter so fuck it) 

Best TV Show 
This was a hard one, Dexter would have won it but as I’ve only seen season 4 on box set DVD and not actually on TV I think I have to disqualify it. That being said considering everything that it has given us Lost deserves this. I would like to thank everyone involved with it for its fantastic quality over 6 series and the way in which it has changed TV, because wether you like it or not it has done that. Thanks to Lost we don’t have to expect a compromise between visuals and acting. Thanks to Lost I think we all (re)learned that patience is a virtue and thanks to Lost we learned that sometimes its not the destination that matters, it’s the journey (again, remember I said that....). There will never again be a show like it and in some ways its a shame but in another way we should be thankful, because how could you top this for making you live a show?
Runners Up:       South Park
The Walking Dead 
Top Gear

Okay I'm running out of patience with this. In case you're wondering about the somewhat cahotic arrangement in all the above stuuf it's cause I tried to post it on Facebook and the formatting wouldn't work. I tried MySpace and it woldn't even let me paste it (this was written on Word) so then I decided Fuck It I'bve wanted to set up a proper blog for a while so why not just do it there. So here we are.
Anyway I don't want to spend too much more tim e with this (it's already a week late) so I'm just gonna run through everything else quickly with no explanations or runners up and just list them. Sorry next years will be better.
  • Best Videogame: Red Dead Redemption
  • Best Album: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Original Soundtrack
  • Best Song: "Love The Way You Lie" Eminem feat. Rihanna
  • Best Concert: Iron Maiden at the O2 Dublin
  • Best DVD I Saw For The First Time: Trainspotting
  • Best Gadget: iPhone4
  • Best Sports Team: Cork Senior Football Team
  • Best Session: My 25th/Richards23rd Weekend in Bantry
  • Best Moment: Helicopter trip in Las Vegas
  • Best Comic Storyline: Blackest Night

Okay theres just one last award to go and I wanna explain this one cause I feel quite passionatley about it.

Asshole Of The Year 2010
If you are reading this and you did not see Scott Pilgrim vs. The World I fucking hate you. Not so much if you're living outside the US, which I dont think any of ye are so please ignore this, this is for the American geeks. What happend to ye guys? Seriously we got The Dark Knight to 1 Billion but when Scott Pilgrim came out it made a 29 Million Dollar loss? I know Universal were idiots for releasing it the same day as The Expendables but seriously? The simple fact is this film was too good to fail and there is still time for you to redeem yourselves. If you are reading this I urge you to at the very least rent Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It's out right now. If you like it buy it, the extras on the dvd are great (I recommend Blu Ray, if you have it, though). This great wrong against films can be righted, it's not too late! Oh and if you downloaded this film while it was on release. You are scum. Have some fucking ethics man, if a movie is failing at the box office that doesn't deserve to (81% Rotten Tomatoes, 69% Metacritic) then do the right thing and pay some money to see it. Download films that have made there money to your hearts content but leave the smaller guys alone. Right rant over.

If you've made it this far down I thank you for your patience an apolagise for the chaotic format differences. As I practise more with this Blogger thing I'll get better and promise to do better (and on time) next year.